Dal 21 al 24 maggio 2022: entra qui per tutte le informazioni.
È l'occasione giusta per iscriversi alla European Society of Endocrinology (AME è società affiliata): questo il link per farlo (il sito e' navigabile anche in italiano). Per i soci AME la quota annuale è di 55 euro e dà diritto a sconti per la partecipazione a tutti gli eventi e all'accesso gratuito alle versioni online di 5 riviste di alto livello: European Journal of Endocrinology, Journal of Endocrinology, Endocrine-Related Cancer, Endocrine Connections, Journal of Molecular Endocrinology.
We are excited to announce that ECE 2022 will return in-person next year. With options to attend virtually for those unable to travel, the Congress provides an excellent opportunity to share your expertise and knowledge, within the ever-changing field of endocrinology.
Held between 21- 24 April 2022 in beautiful Milan, you can enjoy networking with fellow endocrine specialists, researchers and experts from across Europe. The event will be rich with opportunity and potential to meet world-leaders within the field, as well as catch up with old friends.
To find out more information about how to submit your abstract, register at the discounted early bird rate, or apply for a grant visit ECE 2022.
Upcoming deadlines:
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